
Welcome to Hezar! A library that makes state-of-the-art machine learning as easy as possible aimed for the Persian language, built by the Persian community!

In Hezar, the primary goal is to provide plug-and-play AI/ML utilities so that you don’t need to know much about what’s going on under the hood. Hezar is not just a model library, but instead it’s packed with every aspect you need for any ML pipeline like datasets, trainers, preprocessors, feature extractors, etc.

Hezar is a library that:

  • brings together all the best works in AI for Persian

  • makes using AI models as easy as a couple of lines of code

  • seamlessly integrates with Hugging Face Hub for all of its models

  • has a highly developer-friendly interface

  • has a task-based model interface which is more convenient for general users.

  • is packed with additional tools like word embeddings, tokenizers, feature extractors, etc.

  • comes with a lot of supplementary ML tools for deployment, benchmarking, optimization, etc.

  • and more!

To find out more, just take the quick tour!