hezar.models.backbone.vit.vit module

class hezar.models.backbone.vit.vit.ViT(config: ViTConfig, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

forward(pixel_values=None, bool_masked_pos=None, head_mask=None, output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, interpolate_pos_encoding=None)[source]

Forward inputs through the model and return logits, etc.


model_inputs – The required inputs for the model forward


A dict of outputs like logits, loss, etc.

image_processor = 'image_processor'
loss_func_name: str | LossType = 'cross_entropy'
post_process(model_outputs: Dict[str, Tensor])[source]

Process model outputs and return human-readable results. Called in self.predict()

  • model_outputs – model outputs to process

  • **kwargs – extra arguments specific to the derived class


Processed model output values and converted to human-readable results

preprocess(inputs: List[str] | List[np.ndarray] | List['Image'] | List[torch.Tensor], **kwargs)[source]

Given raw inputs, preprocess the inputs and prepare them for model’s forward().

  • raw_inputs – Raw model inputs

  • **kwargs – Extra kwargs specific to the model. See the model’s specific class for more info


A dict of inputs for model forward

required_backends: List[Backends | str] = [Backends.TRANSFORMERS, Backends.TOKENIZERS, Backends.PILLOW]