Text Classification (Sentiment Analysis)

Text classification is the task of categorizing a text to a label. The most notable example is sentiment analysis. In this tutorial we’ll finetune a BERT model on a dataset of sentiments (labels: positive, negative, neutral) gathered from users comments on Digikala and SnappFood.

Let’s first import everything needed.

from hezar.models import BertTextClassification, BertTextClassificationConfig
from hezar.data import Dataset
from hezar.preprocessors import Preprocessor
from hezar.trainer import Trainer, TrainerConfig

As mentioned we’ll use the base BERT model to do so.

base_model_path = "hezarai/bert-base-fa"


The selected dataset is a collection of users comments on products and food.

Since the dataset provided there is ready to be used in Hezar out-of-the-box we’ll stick to that but in case you want to feed your own dataset it’s pretty simple too. The Hezar’s Trainer supports any iterable dataset like PyTorch’s Dataset or a 🤗 Dataset’s dataset. Indeed, you can subclass the Dataset class in Hezar too.

Option 1: Hezar Sentiment Dataset

Loading Hezar datasets is pretty straight forward:

train_dataset = Dataset.load(dataset_path, split="train", preprocessor=base_model_path)
eval_dataset = Dataset.load(dataset_path, split="test", preprocessor=base_model_path)

Option 2: Custom Sentiment Dataset

Let’s see how to create a custom dataset for text classification. When it comes to customizing a dataset with a supported task in Hezar, there are two ways in general; Subclassing the dataset class of that task in particular and subclassing the base Dataset class.

Since we’re customizing an text_classification dataset, we can override the TextClassificationDataset class.

Let’s consider you have a CSV file of your dataset with two columns: text, label.

import pandas as pd

from hezar.data import TextClassificationDataset, TextClassificationDatasetConfig

class SentimentAnalysisDataset(TextClassificationDataset):
    id2label = {0: "negative", 1: "positive", 2: "neutral"}
    def __init__(self, config: TextClassificationDatasetConfig, split=None, preprocessor=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(config, split=split, preprocessor=preprocessor, **kwargs)

    def _load(self, split):
        # Load a dataframe here and make sure the split is fetched
        df = pd.read_csv(self.config.path)
        return df

    def _extract_labels(self):
        Extract label names, ids and build dictionaries.
        self.label2id = self.config.label2id = {v: k for k, v in self.id2label.items()}
        self.num_labels = self.config.num_labels = len(self.id2label)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        text = self.data[index][self.config.text_field]
        label = self.data[index][self.config.label_field]
        label_id = self.label2id[label]
        inputs = self.tokenizer(
        label_idx = torch.tensor([label_id], dtype=torch.long)  # noqa
        inputs["labels"] = label_idx

        return inputs

Data Collator

The data collator of such dataset does nothing but padding the values of the input batch fields like token_ids, attention_mask, etc.

The default data_collator of the TextClassificationDataset is TextPaddingDataCollator and if that’s okay for your dataset just move on to the next steps.

Model & Preprocessor

As said, we’ll use the base RoBERTa model:

model = BertTextClassification(BertTextClassificationConfig(id2label=train_dataset.config.id2label))
preprocessor = Preprocessor.load(base_model_path)


Now that the datasets and model are ready let’s go for training.

Training Configuration

train_config = TrainerConfig(
    metrics=["f1", "precision", "accuracy", "recall"],
  • Setting init_weights_from=base_model_path loads the model weights from base_model_path. Note that this will warn that some weights are not compatible or missing which is fine since the base model does not have the final classifier layer.

  • For this classification task we choose to use [f1, accuracty, precision, recall]

  • Other training arguments can also be modified or set. Refer to the Trainer’s tutorial

Create the Trainer

trainer = Trainer(
Hezar (WARNING): Partially loading the weights as the model architecture and the given state dict are incompatible! 
Ignore this warning in case you plan on fine-tuning this model
Incompatible keys: []
Missing keys: ['classifier.weight', 'classifier.bias']

******************** Training Info ********************

  Output Directory: bert-fa-sentiment-analysis-dksf
  Task: text_classification
  Model: BertTextClassification
  Init Weights: hezarai/bert-base-fa
  Device(s): cuda
  Batch Size: 8
  Epochs: 10
  Total Steps: 35760
  Training Dataset: TextClassificationDataset(28602)
  Evaluation Dataset: TextClassificationDataset(2315)
  Optimizer: adam
  Scheduler: None
  Initial Learning Rate: 2e-05
  Learning Rate Decay: 0.0
  Number of Parameters: 118299651
  Number of Trainable Parameters: 118299651
  Mixed Precision: Full (fp32)
  Gradient Accumulation Steps: 1
  Metrics: ['accuracy']
  Save Steps: 3576
  Log Steps: None
  Checkpoints Path: bert-fa-sentiment-analysis-dksf/checkpoints
  Logs Path: bert-fa-sentiment-analysis-dksf/logs/Jun13_19-29-38_bigrig


Epoch: 1/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [05:58<00:00,  9.99batch/s, loss=0.62] 
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 38.38batch/s, accuracy=0.811]

Epoch: 2/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:02<00:00,  9.86batch/s, loss=0.479]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 38.66batch/s, accuracy=0.818]

Epoch: 3/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:03<00:00,  9.84batch/s, loss=0.369]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 37.79batch/s, accuracy=0.845]  

Epoch: 4/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:00<00:00,  9.92batch/s, loss=0.299]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 38.09batch/s, accuracy=0.829]

Epoch: 5/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:00<00:00,  9.91batch/s, loss=0.252]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 37.88batch/s, accuracy=0.854]

Epoch: 6/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:02<00:00,  9.87batch/s, loss=0.219]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 38.68batch/s, accuracy=0.846] 

Epoch: 7/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:00<00:00,  9.93batch/s, loss=0.194]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 37.61batch/s, accuracy=0.862] 

Epoch: 8/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:01<00:00,  9.90batch/s, loss=0.175]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 37.85batch/s, accuracy=0.857] 

Epoch: 9/10     100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:01<00:00,  9.90batch/s, loss=0.16] 
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 37.71batch/s, accuracy=0.84] 

Epoch: 10/10    100%|######################################################################| 3576/3576 [06:01<00:00,  9.89batch/s, loss=0.147]
Evaluating...   100%|######################################################################| 290/290 [00:07<00:00, 37.70batch/s, accuracy=0.83] 
Hezar (INFO): Training done!

Push to Hub

If you’d like, you can push the model along with other Trainer files to the Hub.

trainer.push_to_hub("<path/to/model>", commit_message="Upload an awesome sentiment analysis model!")